January 30, 2025 – CAMPO TAC Meeting Agenda Packet

Technical Advisory Committee

Meeting Date: 01/30/2025

Document Type: Agenda

Document: Download

CAMPO Technical Advisory Committee Virtual Meeting

Meeting Details:
Thursday, January 30, 2025
9:00 am – 10:00 am

Via Microsoft Teams by clicking HERE
Meeting ID: 284 728 866 095
Passcode: qQ7zh6Az
Mobile 1 Click Number
+1 872 242 8088
Phone Conference ID 497 585 905#

If you wish to attend as a member of the public, you can call or video in. If you require additional accommodations, or need assistance with Teams, please reach out to Ashlyn at amuzechenko@ocwcog.org. Stakeholders and members of the public are welcome to attend any CAMPO meeting and provide public comments.

About Corvallis Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
Corvallis Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) is the designated metropolitan planning organization for the Corvallis Urbanized Area, which includes the Cities of Corvallis, Philomath, Adair Village, and adjacent parts of Benton County. CAMPO’s role is to coordinate transportation planning efforts in the Corvallis Urbanized Area and to serve as a forum for cooperative decision-making. CAMPO’s multimodal transportation planning and programming activities are closely coordinated with Oregon Department of Transportation. Per a contract, OCWCOG provides staffing and administrative services to CAMPO. For more information, visit www.CorvallisAreaMPO.org.

About Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments (OCWCOG), on behalf of the member governments, carries out a variety of local, State, and Federal programs. The majority of funding is provided by way of contracts to administer specific services. As an Oregon intergovernmental entity, OCWCOG can provide for, or on behalf of, its member governments any service that they are authorized to provide. Whether it is helping a business find appropriate capital, helping seniors and persons with disabilities plan for independent living, or coordinating local roads improvement priorities, OCWCOG offers these and many other innovative services to the local governments and residents of Benton, Lincoln, and Linn Counties. For more information, visit www.OCWCOG.org.