Comment on Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Amendment

Note: the comment period for the STIP Amendment below is now closed.
May 3 – May 17, 2022, the Corvallis Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) requests public input on an amendment to the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2021-24 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Project details are listed below.
Key Number 21842: Corvallis Area MPO Planning SFY23
- Project Description: Corvallis Area MPO planning funds for Federal fiscal year 2022. Projects will be selected in the future through the MPO process.
- Project Changes: Update project to match annual work plan and increase the project estimate by $52,622.07, adding funds from statewide MPO planning savings. Amendment Number 21-24-2038.
The CAMPO Policy Board will review this amendment at their May 11, 2022 meeting. Meeting details are available on CAMPO’s website. Please provide comments to Steve Dobrinich via email at, or in writing to CAMPO; 1400 Queen Avenue SE, Suite 205; Albany, OR 97322. Comments can also be made by calling 541-223-7040. The comment period will remain open until 5:00 PM (PST) May 17.