Comment on Public Participation Plan

Note: the comment period for the Public Participation Plan is now closed.

From October 22 – December 8, 2020, the Corvallis Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) requests public input on a proposed update to its Public Participation Plan (PPP). The purpose of the PPP is to outline the policies and procedures for involving the general public in CAMPO’s transportation decision-making processes. The PPP describes methods, strategies, and desired outcomes for public participation, and addresses outreach to a broad audience of interested parties. To read and review the CAMPO Public Participation Plan CLICK HERE.

The CAMPO Policy Board is expected to review the Public Participation Plan and consider adoption during the December 9, 2020 meeting. Meeting details are available on CAMPO’s website.

Please provide comments to Transportation Planner Steve Dobrinich via email at, or in writing to CAMPO; 1400 Queen Avenue SE, Suite 205; Albany, OR 97322. Comments can also be made by calling 541-223-7040 and leaving a voicemail. Upon request, a printed copy of the draft Plan can be sent to members of the public with a return envelope for submitting comments. The comment period will remain open until 5:00 PM (PST) December 8.

Watch the video below for an overview of the CAMPO Public Participation Plan:

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